Erika Lust Film Film Room 33 14
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The film is about seven young women who board a train to Mexico to escape the drudgery of their lives. A few minutes into the story, Polly Stokes' narrator informs us that the women were all once best friends, but have now drifted apart. One of the women, Rachel, has a troubled past, and we learn that one of the girls, Christina, may be pregnant. The women are precariously balanced between hope and fear, and the film holds an almost unbearable tension as it reveals the truth about Rachel's past.
The movie is based on a true story, but the writer-director used her imagination freely to make it her own. The screenplay reads like a first draft, with some drafts from Stokes' collaborator, actor Erika Christensen. There are lines that are perfect, and there are lines that are weak. But most of the lines are good, and the script is strong. The women seem believable, and the plot is compelling.
Herzog has been consistently difficult and contentious to work with. While he has gained recognition in the West for his idiosyncratic, loopy and off-kilter films, his films were always a bit of a mystery in Germany, where he was often derided as a has-been who produced a series of unfulfilled masterpieces.
On top of that, Herzog had a reputation for turning down more lucrative offers, and for not speaking to the press. He declined to discuss his work or to talk about his life. Herzog's mysteriousness - and his notoriety - actually served him well in the movie business. Herzog was a producer and a director, and from the early 1990s until his death he was represented by his own production company, Herzog Filmproduktion. He was known for making expensive films on tight budgets.
The film featured a stellar cast including Billy Bob Thornton, Drew Barrymore, Kevin Spacey, Mos Def, Keisha Castle-Hughes, and Bryce Dallas Howard, among others. It was nominated for four Oscars, including Best Picture, but didn't win any.
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