[FULL] Xena Warrior Princess Adventure Game Download Free ^NEW^
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If you haven't played Xena: Warrior Princess - Death in Chains or want to try this adventure video game, download it now for free! Published in 1999 by Brilliant Digital Entertainment, Inc., Xena: Warrior Princess - Death in Chains was an above-average visual novel title in its time.
Can a warrior princess from ancient Greece take on the current PlayStation queen, the antiquity-loving Lara Croft Could be--the early build of Xena: Warrior Princess features promising graphics and environments as well as challenging action/adventure gameplay.
The PlayStation version of Xena: Warrior Princess is played from a third-person perspective and consists of linear hack and slash and action gameplay,[3][4] with some platform-jumping and puzzle-solving sections.[5][3][6] The game's story involves the evil sorceress Kalabrax, who escapes after centuries of imprisonment and plots revenge against the world, and against the gods who imprisoned her. She must sacrifice a queen for her spell to gain maximum power. With help from her allies, Kalabrax captures Gabrielle, the Queen of the Amazons. Xena, the warrior princess, embarks on a journey to rescue Gabrielle, while facing various villains along the way.[5]
The player controls Xena, who must defeat all enemies and complete tasks to proceed through each level of the game.[3] Xena can carry out numerous attacks through a combination of button commands performed by the player.[4][3] If the attack is executed successfully, Xena lets out her signature warrior scream.[6][5] Xena can run, jump, kick, slash, and block enemy attacks, as well as perform groin kicks and cartwheels.[6]
Jason White of AllGame gave the PlayStation version 3 stars out of 5 and wrote, \"The characters and bosses are average as far as appearance goes and the game itself isn't very inventive. Hardcore gamers will find this okay to rent but most diehard Xena fans will love this game.\" White noted that the \"gameplay is extremely basic. While you can wander anywhere on the screen, the game itself is a strict linear adventure. If you don't beat all the enemies nor complete whatever task is asked of you, then you can't move on. Xena walks along a paved path throughout the adventure, sort of 'yellow brick road-ish.' You walk down the path, fight the bad guys, get a key and go through a gate. This is pretty much how the game plays the whole time. There are painfully long load times between levels. A bit of slow down occurs when Xena fights too many enemies at once which lets one or two of them get in a free shot while you're left trying to face them.\" White also wrote, \"There are only two real down sides to the game. There are so many moves to use that you need a few extra fingers to press all the buttons so you can see all her moves. [...] The other is that in order to perform simple tasks like jumping, you need to use a certain button combination, otherwise you'll end up going past or coming up just short of your mark. The one thing missing is that you can only attack one enemy at a time, very un-Xena like.\"[4] 153554b96e
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